
My computer has been REALLY slow lately. Both the internet and the desktop are annoyingly slow. It's a PC and it's not new, but I'm not sure how old it is. We've had it for 3 years and before that, my aunt had for at least 4 years. I defragment it and do the disk cleanup regularly. And it has a lot of free memory left (it's like 75% of the computer's total memory is free). I have an up-to-date anti-virus program on it (BitDefender), and it runs scans on it, and has NEVER found a virus. All of the fire-walls are up and running. What could be wrong with my computer?? Please help!! *Thanks!* iphone unlocking

[ Added: Tue 23 Feb, 2010 ]

So I got a new computer in the middle of October, it is a Toshiba Satellite A500/040, came with Windows vista Home premium. I got a Windows 7 upgrade disc that is only for my computer. I have upgraded my Laptop to windows 7 and am now having troubles... I think I picked up a few viruses and I am wanting to re-install windows to get my laptop back to normal. The only problem is I am not entirely sure if I can re-use the Upgrade disc. Does anyone know if I can? And if not, what I can do? Thanks in advance for any help and have a great New Year [url=100PARENTINGTIPS.INFO]parenting tips[/url] [url=DAILY-MOTIVATION.INFO]daily motivation[/url] [url=OVERCOMESHYNESSEASY.INFO]overcome shyness[/url] [url=IMPROVE-CONCENTRATION.INFO]improve concentration[/url] [url=THE-POWER-OF-YOUR-SUBCONSCIOUS-MIND.INFO]the power of your subconscious mind[/url] [url=EASYSTRESSREDUCTION.INFO]stress reduction[/url] [url=HOW-TO-STOP-PROCRASTINATING.INFO]how to stop procrastinating[/url]
okay so the other day this program SpyEraser popped up saying that i have a virus. but the problem is that i did not even downlaod this spyware and i dont know how to get rid of it! and it pops up like every minute. and ever since it first showed up, my computer has been running very slow! HELP!

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I believe I may have picked up a virus. Just yesterday my pc started acting "funny" - locking up when moving from one thing to another, etc. Then today I attempted to log into my online bank account and was taken to a page (which looked as though it was part of my bank's site) that was asking for my name, dob, ss#, bank card number, pin, etc in order to "verify" me. I knew this wasn't right so I closed internet explorer, re-opened and tried going to Ebay, when I attempted to log in there I was taken to the same sort of page but this time it looked like it was part of the Ebay site. Does anyone know what could be doing this and how to fix it?

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Look in your Start Menu for "Anti-Virus".Or a red shield in your taskbar saying you need Virus Protection. Then you will know if you do or not.

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This is what I keep getting when I want to open some downloads from my driver. AppName: explorer.exe AppVer: 6.0.2900.5512 ModName: mpeg2dmx.ax ModVer: Offset: 0000dff3 I installed Microsoft XP on my computer a couple of days ago because I had Vista and I didnt like it. Everything worked perfectly except this. I dont know what to do. Should I reinstall Vista on my computer again. I tried it with a virus program and Internet/Control Panel options but no help. PLEASE HELP. Thanks:

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I was playing an app on Facebook (Graffiti) and my Mac warned me that the page may contain malware. Of course I ignored it because I wanted to draw more with the app, and when i was done the page scrolled up by itself and my curser moved across the screen a bit on its own. Does my Mac have a virus? are there any built-in features that could be of assistance? are there any anti-virus programs safe to use on my Mac?

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I have a gateway mx6421 with windows xp I keep getting the blue death screen which does not stay up long enough for me to get an error code. I have tried to uninstall drivers remove programs and system restore and none have worked. I have tried reinstalling windows xp and it states I am running a newer version (which isn't true). I have done virus scans, disc scans and the blue screen as usual shuts the computer down. I would do a system recovery however I do not have the disc (gateway did not give them) I have tried preforming it from the D drive however once I put in the operating disc which came with the computer it makes it to 18% and the damn blue screen shuts it down. If anyone can help me I'd appreciate it. I just want my computer back and my computer to stop shutting down.

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I need help removing this virus i have ran spybot search and destroy Avast upon startup it cancels scan restore or recovery drive is no longer there please help!

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