

Czy który¶ Kumoter siê orientuje ile zuanów posiada werk ST-25 montowany np. w Parnisie chronometrze?

Nie mniej ni¿ 25 a najprawdopodobniej oko³o 30.
Co¶ takiego znalaz³em na homageforum:

The Parnis is powered by the hacking automatic Sea-Gull ST25 movement, a 38 jewel open-heart design Sea-Gull refers to as a premium movement. The Swiss open-heart watches are usually based on regular movements, with a porthole made in the dial and bridge plate to display moving parts. Sea-Gull has instead taken to purposefully designing new movements with a large, double bridged visible balance moved to the front side. From various tests on the internet the ST25 appears to have come out of this design process with flying colours as its accuracy has not been compromised to beautify the movement. In fact the ST25 performs well enough that it's now being used in non open-heart watches, with the closed dial covering up the balance wheel - as is the case in this Parnis. You can still see the windmill decorations on the balance wheel when you look at the movement through the display caseback, whirling away unseen underneath the dial.


I jeszcze takie:
Mo¿e siê zgadzaæ.

...a mówi³a mi mama, ¿eby siê jêzyków uczyæ szczê¶cie jest translator, choæ ten czêsto gêsto sobie jaja robi z t³umaczenia
Zale¿y od ilosci komplikacji, oczywiscie. Moim zdaniem najtañsza "zwyk³a" wersja godzina+data ma oko³o 25 kamieni, 38 to za du¿o, nie ma gdzie ich upchn±æ. Zak³adam, ze w mechanizmie jest standardowo 17 + 2x4 widoczne od góry w automacie, wiec razem 25. W datowniku my¶lê, ze nie ma, ale np rezerwa chodu, boczny/dolny sekundnik itp to dodatkowe zuany .