pBrowse - Manager plików 


Przepraszam ¿e po angielsku ale ju¿ mi siê nie chcia³o pisaæ wersji po polsku, po prostu wiêkszo¶c for na jakie to pisa³em by³o po ang XD

Ogólnie to reklama managera plików, polecam wypróbowaæ

Hello everybody :)

My friend asked me to present you his new php script called pBrowse. It'a available on his site and the project is supported by sourceforge:


The application as a web-based file manager providing many useful features. It's very easy to use and quite powerfull tool. My friend is developing it all the time so the project constantly grows up.

Actually it's simple. You're the admin, you have files on a server and you can create users with certain priviledges that can maintain folders, download, upload files and many more. If you're looking for something like that don't wait and check it out :)

hmm w czym on jest lepszy od Total Commander'a?
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • adminik.xlx.pl